By: Women’s Resource Center
Posted In: News

Photo credit: Women’s Resource Center
As the holiday season approaches, the Women’s Resource Center of Newport & Bristol Counties prepares for seasonal drives. Each year the Thanksgiving Day Program runs from October through November 21st. Donated goods are provided to families in need. Participating in this drive puts the giving back in Thanksgiving and services families deserving of celebration. Please consider donating gift cards for turkeys, frozen turkeys, rolls, stuffing mix, canned gravy and any fixings that make for a delicious Thanksgiving meal. If you’d like to participate in the Thanksgiving Day Program, please contact Constance Vergowven at (401) 846- 5263 of Newport County, or Karen Majewski at (401) 247-2070 of Bristol County.
A second program that services victims of domestic violence and their children is the Adopt-A-Family program. Each year the Adopt-A-Family program runs from late October through December 19th. This program is designed to match donors with clients and their families in order to meet family needs during the holiday season. Clients provide a “wish list” and donors help make the holidays brighter by providing materials needed. Clients who participate in this program are of the Women’s Resource Center and their names are kept confidential. Some past donors include Raytheon, Newport Auto Center, Trattoria Simpatico, and the Viking Riders. Others who have participated in the program are individuals, families, groups of citizens, friends and neighbors. To help the Adopt-A-Family program this year, donors can sponsor a client or a family in need by dropping off a bag of food to our center, such as a “holiday meal” package, providing unwrapped gifts from a client or family wish list and/or gift certificates to stores or local restaurants. Examples of businesses to purchase gift cards from a local eatery, T.J.Maxx, Wal-Mart, Old Navy, CVS, grocery cards to Stop & Shop or Shaw’s, movie passes, or gas cards. For more information or if you’d like to participate in the Adopt-A-Family program please contact Constance Vergowven at (401) 846- 5263 of the Newport Office or Lauren Sebastianelli at (401) 247-2070 x 109, of the Bristol County office. Thank you for all your support! The Women’s Resource Center of Newport & Bristol Counties is one of the six member agencies of the Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence. They provide comprehensive services to families affected by domestic violence. Services provided include an emergency safe home, a 24-hour helpline, court advocacy, counseling, community outreach, support groups, children’s programs and prevention through public awareness and education.